Your selected tickets will expire

First Week - Middle Weekend - 20 - 25 Jan, 2026 / 5 nights


January 2026

Min 3 nights

5 Nights

Melbourne Park

Sorry, your reservation has expired and we've redirected you back to the package you were booking. Please try again.


Be there for an action-packed Week 1 of the Australian Open.

Experience the energy of the tournament in a relaxed atmosphere. You’ll get to witness a good balance of established champions, hungry newcomers, and rising stars battling it out with a sense of urgency. It’s a great middle ground between access and excitement.

This six-day package includes 5 nights' accommodation, an AO welcome pack, breakfast daily, a unique Melbourne dining experience, return private Melbourne airport transfers, AO Reserve Riverside Social premium experience, Rod Laver Arena tickets including mid lower sidelines seats, a day exploring the beautiful Mornington Peninsula, a walking tour of Melbourne famous laneways & arcades and a twilight Yarra River cocktails & canapes cruise


Day 1: Tuesday 20 January

Private transfer from airport

3:00pm: Welcome! Check-in to your hotel

7:00pm: Melbourne dining experience at one of the cities​ vibrant restaurants​

Day 2: Wednesday 21 January

Morning: Hotel breakfast included

10:00am: Explore Melbourne’s hidden secrets as you walk through ​the unique laneways & arcades of the city.

7:00pm: Rod Laver Arena (Mid Lower Sideline)​

Day 3: Thursday 22 January

Morning: Hotel breakfast included

10:30am: AO Reserve - Riverside Social Rod Laver Arena Session (Rear Lower Baseline)

6:00pm: Evening at leisure

Day 4: Friday 23 January

Morning: Hotel breakfast included

8:00am Explore the delights of the Mornington Peninsula – Paddleboarding, pinot tasting and a picnic (day tour)

​7:00pm: Rod Laver Arena (Mid Lower Sideline)​

Day 5: Saturday 24 January

Morning: Hotel breakfast included​, morning at leisure.

4:00pm Yarra River Cocktail & Canapes Cruise 

​7:00pm: Rod Laver Arena (Mid Lower Sideline)​

Day 6: Sunday 25 January

Morning: Hotel breakfast included​

Hotel check out

Private transfer to airport

{{ componentIndex+1 }}.

{{ component.Ordinal || componentIndex+1 }}. {{ component.Title }}

This package is sold out!

Book online now for up to 12 people. For larger groups please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

For wheelchair or accessible bookings, please get in touch by clicking the button below.

Alternate Text Accessible Tickets

If you are a concession card holder, or if you are booking with children under 12, get in touch by clicking the button below. Read more here for eligibility information.

Concession & Child Tickets
{{ hotel.CustomTag }}

{{ hotel.Title }}

{{ hotel.NumberOfNights }} night{{ (hotel.NumberOfNights != 1 ? 's' : '') }} +AU${{ hotel.Price | dollars }} PP Included
This field is required.

How many {{ roomLabel | lowercase }}s?

*A single room supplement of AU{{ component.SelectedHotel.SingleSupplementFee | currency }} will be charged for this single room.

Remove room This field is required.
Add a room * Error: Sorry, you have added too few passengers. Please adjust the number of passengers per room. * Error: Sorry, you have added too many passengers. Please adjust the number of passengers per room.
Rooms are double occupancy by default, but you can choose a single room.
A twin room has two beds. twin bed icon
A double room has one bed for two people. double bed icon
{{ ticket.CustomTag }}

{{ ticket.Title }}

This field is required.

Your selected tickets will expire

Your reservation has expired

{{ arena.ArenaName }}

Reserving your tickets...

{{ ticket.Title }}

Error: {{ arena.TicketReservations.ErrorMessage }}
Your selected ticket expires
Your reservation has expired

This field is required.
Please select a ticket category above

Your selected tickets will expire

Your reservation has expired

Reserving your tickets...
{{ticket.EventDate | date: 'd MMM'}} - {{ticket.SessionName}}


{{ ticket.SectionName }}

Error: {{ component.TicketReservations.ErrorMessage }}
Your selected tickets expire
Your reservation has expired

Unfortunately, one session is unavailable or sold out. You cannot continue.
Please contact us if you wish to book for this package.

Your selected tickets will expire

Your reservation has expired

Day {{ day.TournamentDay }} - {{ day.Date | date: 'EEEE d MMM, yyyy' }} {{( day.IsActive ? 'Close' : 'Edit' )}}
I don't want tickets for this day
{{ session.SessionName }}
  • {{ session.SelectedArena }}
  • {{ session.SelectedTicket.AOReserveTierFriendlyName }}
  • {{ session.SelectedTicket.SectionName }}
  • {{ session.ConfirmedSeatingOption.SelectedOption.FormattedSeats }}
  • Check options
{{ session.SessionName }}
AO Reserve + Ticket
AO Reserve

Elevate your experience with AO Reserve

Elevate your experience with AO Reserve


  • {{ session.SelectedArena }}

{{ (session.TicketOnly ? 'Seating area' : 'Experience')}}

  • {{ (session.TicketOnly ? session.SelectedTicket.SectionName : session.SelectedTicket.AOReserveTierFriendlyName ) }}


Table size: {{session.SelectedTableSize.TableSize}}

Finding the best options for your seats...

Error: {{ session.ConfirmedSeatingOption.ErrorMessage }}

Your selected ticket expires

Your reservation has expired

Error: {{ session.SeatingOptions.ErrorMessage }}

Options will expire

Oops! Unfortunately the ticket category you've selected is sold out. Please select another category to continue your AO journey.

Reserving your tickets...

When selecting an AO Reserve experience for the Women’s Final on the 25th January and the Men’s Final on the 26th January, the same experience must be purchased for both sessions.

All days must be confirmed before you can proceed. All sessions must be valid before you can proceed. You must select at least one session. When selecting an AO Reserve experience for the Women’s Final on the 25th January and the Men’s Final on the 26th January, the same experience must be purchased for both sessions.

{{ experience.Title }}

From +AU${{ experience.MinPrice | dollars }} PP {{ experience.CustomPricingLabel }} Included
The number of people in your booking has changed since selecting your experiences. Please review each experience and ensure the number of people per experience does not exceed the number of people in your booking. Error: You must choose at least one option
{{ component.Subtitle || component.Title }}
Included in package

{{ component.DateRange }}

{{ component.Location }}

{{ component.NumberOfNights }} Nights

{{ activity.CustomTag }}
This field is required.

A single room supplement of AU{{ component.SelectedActivity.SingleSupplementFee | currency }} has been included in your price.

{{ addOn.Title }}

What is {{ component.ComponentType }}
Error: One of your options has a validation error. Please check your selections.


{{ currentComponentIndex+1 <= components.length ? currentComponentIndex+1 : currentComponentIndex }} of {{ components.length }}

Your package total

AU{{ getTotal() | currency }}*

*Includes GST

Or pay in {{ getNumberOfMonths() }} monthly payments of AU{{ getMonthlyPayments() | currency }}

Created by the Experts First Week - Middle Weekend - 20 - 25 Jan, 2026 / 5 nights

(5 nights for {{ selectedNumberOfPeople }} people)


This package includes:

6-day / 5 nights' accommodation: 20 - 25 Jan, 2026​

  • Return private sedan transfers between Melbourne Airport and your hotel aligned to flight arrival/departure times
  • Check in: Tue 20 Jan
  • Check out: Sun 25 Jan
  • Breakfast daily
  • AO Gift pack on arrival
  • Tue 20 Jan – Dinner at a unique Melbourne Restaurant
  • Wed 21 Jan - Morning walking tour | Hidden Secrets Laneways & Arcade Tour
  • Wed 21 Jan - Night session of tennis at Rod Laver Arena (Middle Lower Sideline)
  • Thu 22 Jan - Riverside Social + day session of tennis at Rod Laver Arena (Rear Lower Baseline)
  • Fri 23 Jan – Mornington Peninsula – paddle, pinot & picnic day tour
  • Fri 23 Jan – Night session of tennis at Rod Laver Arena (Middle Lower Sideline)
  • Sat 24 Jan - Twilight Yarra River Cocktails & Canapes Cruise
  • Sat 24 Jan – Night session of tennis at Rod Laver Arena (Middle Lower Sideline)


  • Flight to/from Melbourne
  • Items of a personal nature – room incidentals, laundry, drinks etc.
  • Travel insurance (highly recommended you purchase at the time your book your AO package)
  • Accrual of hotel loyalty program points
  • Meals other than specified


AU{{ component.Price | currency }}

{{ component.Title }}


AU{{ component.SubTotal | currency }}

{{ component.SelectedHotel.Title }}

Includes a Single Room Supplement of AU{{ getSingleSupplementFee() | currency }}

  • Room {{room.Ordinal}}: {{getRoomTypeName(room)}}

Tournament tickets


{{ component.SelectedTicket.Title }}

Ticket Type


{{ arenaTicket.ArenaName }} - {{ arenaTicket.SectionName }}

{{ component.Title }}


Tournament Day {{ day.TournamentDay }} - {{ day.Date | date: 'd MMMM, yyyy' }}

{{ session.SessionName }}
  • {{ session.ArenaName }}
  • {{ session.AOReserveTierFriendlyName }}
  • {{ session.SectionName }}

{{ component.Title }}

Included Enquired AU{{ experience.SubTotal | currency }}

{{ experience.Title }}

{{ session.SessionDate | date: 'd MMM, yyyy' }}
  • {{ session.SessionName }}
  • {{ session.TimeOfDay }}
  • {{ component.ExperienceKey[experience.ExperienceName][session.SessionKey].NumberOfPeople }} {{( component.ExperienceKey[experience.ExperienceName][session.SessionKey].NumberOfPeople == 1 ? 'person' : 'people' )}}
  • +AU${{ session.Price | dollars }} per person
  • Included

Your enquiry will be registered and a team member will be in touch with you shortly to discuss after your order has been confirmed.

  • {{ experienceMetadata.NumberOfPeople }} {{experienceMetadata.NumberOfPeople == 1 ? 'person' : 'people'}}
  • {{session.SessionDescription}}

{{ component.Title }}


Tournament Day {{ day.TournamentDay }} - {{ day.Date | date: 'd MMMM, yyyy' }}

Day skipped
{{ session.SessionName }}
Session Skipped
  • {{ session.SelectedTicket.ArenaName }}
  • {{ session.SelectedTicket.AOReserveTierFriendlyName }} (table x{{ selectedNumberOfPeople}} seat{{(selectedNumberOfPeople != 1 ? 's' : '')}})
  • {{ session.SelectedTicket.SectionName }}
  • {{ session.ConfirmedSeatingOption.SelectedOption.FormattedSeats }} (x{{ selectedNumberOfPeople}} ticket{{(selectedNumberOfPeople != 1 ? 's' : '')}})
  • View stadium map


{{ component.SubTotal | currency }}

{{ component.SelectedActivity.Title }}

{{ component.SelectedActivity.Date | date: 'd MMM, yyyy' }}

Includes a Single Room Supplement of {{ component.SelectedActivity.SingleSupplementFee | currency }}.

Additional Add-ons

{{ addOn.Title }}

AU{{ getTotal() | currency }}*

*Includes GST

Includes a Single Room Supplement of AU{{ getSingleSupplementFee() | currency }}

Pay in instalments

You can choose to pay in instalments.
No deposit and {{ getNumberOfMonths() }} monthly payments of AU{{ getMonthlyPayments() | currency }}.
Conditions apply.

* Error: Sorry, you need to add at least one option to check out