Created by the Experts

Quarter Finals - 25 - 29 Jan, 2026 / 4 nights


This is where the tennis heats up with the Quarter Finals action!

This five-day package includes 4 nights' accommodation, an AO welcome pack, breakfast daily, a unique Melbourne dining experience, return private Melbourne airport transfers, AO Reserve Riverside Social premium experience, Rod Laver Arena tickets and a walking tour of Melbourne famous laneways & arcades.


Day 1: Sunday 25 January

Private transfer from airport
3:00pm: Check-in to your hotel!

Day 2: Monday 26 January

Morning: Hotel breakfast included 
10:00am: ​​Explore Melbourne’s hidden secrets as you walk through the unique laneways & arcades of the city.
7:00pm: Enjoy your Melbourne dining experience at one of the cities vibrant restaurants

Day 3: Tuesday 27 January

Morning: Hotel breakfast included 

10:30am: AO Reserve - Riverside Social

12:00pm: ​Rod Laver Arena Session - Quarter Finals (Rear Lower Baseline)

7:30pm: Rod Laver Arena - Quarter Finals (Mid Lower Sideline)​

Day 4: Wednesday 28 January

Morning: Hotel breakfast included 

10:30am: AO Reserve - Riverside Social

12:00pm: ​Rod Laver Arena Session - Quarter Finals (Rear Lower Baseline)

7:30pm: Rod Laver Arena - Quarter Finals (Mid Lower Sideline)​

Day 5: Thursday 29 January 

Morning: Hotel breakfast included 

Private transfer to airport from the hotel aligned with your flight departure

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AU{{ getPrice() | currency }}*

*Includes GST

Package highlights

Package Highlights

Quarter Finals - Created by the Experts Package Inclusions;

  • 5-day / 4 nights' accommodation
  • Daily breakfast
  • AO Gift Pack
  • Dinner at a unique Melbourne Restaurant
  • Hidden Secrets Laneways & Arcade Tour​
  • 2 x AO Reserve Riverside Social (Rear Lower Baseline Tickets)
  • 2 x Rod Laver Arena Sessions (Mid Lower Sideline Tickets)
  • Return Melbourne Airport transfers

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Middle Weekend

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